Creating a new Message

Within the Messages node in the Umbraco Tree, use the "Create In App Message" button at the top of the screen:



Message Name

The Name section at the top of the window is strictly for Umbraco users to title the message and view within Umbraco, this is not a user-facing field: 

Active Date (scheduling)

Use this section to specify the date that the message will be available in PassEdge App. If no date is specified it will be available as soon as the item is published. 

Message Type

There are four types of in-app message types:

  • Normal 
    • No changes to messages
  • High
    • Future-use feature, likely the option for "Push notifications" (not yet implemented) 
    • Currently adds a "!" icon to the message view to imply importance
  • Critical
    • Adds a "!" icon to the message view to imply importance
  • Persistent
    • Removes the trash can icon and disables the user from deleting the message from view 


Message Filters

Messages may be targeted (or excluded) by member name, member number, member status, or release mode. Multiple filters are applied with "AND" logic. No filters means a message is for everyone.

Message HTML formatting

Message Titles, Sub-Titles, and Content can all use basic HTML formatting, here are a few examples:

A message title of " We're building <color="red">something</color> <i> amazing!</i>"  displays as: 



HTML content example: 

"<b>Bold text</b> and <i>Italic</i> text can be used to add interest to your messages.
<s>Strike though</s> and <u>underlined</u>.
We have 1m<sup>3</sup> of H<sub>2</sub>O
1. <indent=15%>It is useful for things like bullet points.</indent>
2. <indent=15%>It is handy.
Up <voffset=1em>up <voffset=2em>UP</voffset> and <voffset=-0.5em>down</voffset> we go again.
<uppercase> uppercase override</uppercase>
<lowercase>LOWERcase Override</lowercase>
<size=100%>Font size 100<size=80%>Font size 80 <size=60%>Font size 60<size=40%>Font size 100 40 <size=20%>Font size 20 </size>"

Message Title

This is the text that will display on the title of the message in the all-messages view as well as when the message is opened and displayed full-screen. 

Message Sub-Title

Sub-title text is displayed when a message is opened:

Message Text

The main content of the message, can be HTML formatted (see above section on HTML formatting). 

Message Image

An optional image can be included in a message.

Please ensure images are resized to no wider than 1920px wide, reduced to 72dpi and file size is no larger than 1.5 mb.

Each image takes up data equal to the file size on a user's phone, the smaller the file size the better for the best experience.

To reduce file sizes, if needed, please use a tool like


Message Action Button

An optional button can be added to the bottom of the message to direct users to more information. If left blank, no button will be shown.