PassEdge Documentation

Thank you for choosing PassEdge! We hope you enjoy using our platform to create remarkable experiences for your app users.


Each section of this documentation includes screenshots to provide a visual reference for better understanding. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team for assistance.


Getting Started

Learn how to set up your PassEdge Orion installation alongside Galaxy and get acquainted with the core features of the Umbraco CMS. This section provides a step-by-step guide to help you get started quickly. 


Discover the magic of PassEdge app theming! Easily customize your membership app's appearance within your institution's CMS settings. Real-time updates and scheduling(see getting started section) options allow you to showcase holiday celebrations, promotions, seasonal changes, and more. Best practices for image sizing are also included.


Get an overview of setting up locations within the CMS, the essential first step in bringing content and features together. With this feature, you can add locations to specific X, Y coordinates on your institution map or use them when setting up a tour.


Upload map images and assign locations on the map effortlessly. This section guides you through the process of creating an interactive map for your app.


Explore the three types of experiences available and see examples of how each type functions within the PassEdge membership application. This section will help you craft engaging experiences for your users.


Award badges to app users for completing various experiences. Learn how to upload badges and assign them to specific experiences to boost engagement.


Harness the power of Bluetooth beacons to enhance your tour locations. This guide will assist you in setting up and using beacons effectively.

In-App Messaging

Create, manage, and schedule messages within the PassEdge application. Keep your users informed and engaged with targeted in-app messages.