Content Management System

Using Umbraco, the open source CMS

How to use Umbraco

Minimum System Requirements

The Umbraco UI should work in all modern browsers:

  • Chrome (Latest)
  • Edge (Chromium)
  • Firefox (Latest)
  • Safari (Latest)


Logging in to Umbraco

Navigate to and use the log in credentials provided for your account. If your credentials are forgotten or you need help with login, please send an email to



Navigating the Umbraco "tree"

The Umbraco CMS utilizes a left-side navigation tree as well as a top horizontal navigation bar. The majority of the PassEdge App setup happens within the left-side navigation tree "nodes." Within each node will be settings or content-creation tools to theme or generate content for your institution's application. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the tree and view the appropriate documentation for each node.  See image:


Selecting vs. Opening an item in Umbraco

In Umbraco, where you click matters!

When familiarizing yourself with Umbraco, it's important to understand that clicking on similar parts of the interface may do something unexpected. In general, clicking on the NAME will open the item you're clicking on, while clicking on the whitespace or icon around the item will open new options. Clicking on the whitespace or image will also allow for selecting multiple items in a list, indicated with a checkmark: 


Here are some examples of clicking the same item in different locations: 

In the Media section, located on the horizontal bar at the top of the window, clicking on the whitespace around the "Maps" folder selects the folder to be moved or deleted: 

When clicking on the "Maps" text, it opens the subsequent, expected window: 


As another example, especially for the context of Unpublishing (see documentation below) or moving content, clicking anywhere around "Elf Tour" brings up the ability to "Unpublish" from the "live" app. 

Clicking the "Elf Tour" text directly will open the Experiences content section for the selected tour: 



Media Section

Umbraco offers a media resource folder that automatically assigns each uploaded image a unique identifier. This means that no matter how you re-organize content within the media folder, an image that is assigned to a content section will remain assigned, despite moving images between folders. 

Note the "Media" selection, located in the horizontal header of the CMS website (see image below). From this section you can create folders and upload images for use within the CMS/App. You can create as many sub-folders as you would like for organization purposes. 

Consider how you may organize content within the media folder in order to prevent clutter or confusion. 





Umbraco User Types

As will be discussed in the following section, Umbraco has different user permissions based on what someone is "allowed" to do.

For example, a content creator may be able create and save content, but not "publish" content (requires review before going live), whereas a content publisher can review content and then publish on behalf of the content creator. An administrator may be able to do all of these things, as well as create new users. 

This is an example of user types or roles, but it is important to understand that some features may be unavailable based on user permissions. 



Save, Publish, Unpublish

Each content page within Umbraco will display a "Save" and "Save and publish" option in the lower right-hand corner of the page. 

The "save" option will allow content creators to save their work to be continued later, without worry of losing data or pushing incomplete content to the 'live' app. If content publishing permissions are restricted, a publisher may need to manually approve any content that has been saved. 

As soon as "Save and publish" has been pressed the content will be 'live' for anyone using the app, although it requires the end-user to re-open the app for updates. 

Using the small up arrow on the "Save and publish" button will display access to "Unpublish" which will keep the content available in the CMS, but remove it as 'live' data from customer view. 

In this image see how content that is greyed out is "Unpublished" while darker content is "live." 

The same up arrow will give access to the "Schedule..." feature, which is discussed here: 



Scheduling Content Delivery

A powerful feature of Umbraco is the ability to schedule content delivery. Good examples of this may be updating the app background to a snowy image on December 1, or scheduling an in-app message for the following Monday at 9am. 

In the following images we will schedule a background image to change: 

First, by opening the "App Settings" node from the left-side navigation tree located in the Content section of the horizontal navigation bar, we have access to "Theme Settings" and open the "Background Theme." Place the mouse cursor over the image and a small pencil and "X" icon are displayed: 

Click the "X" icon to remove the image, and see this standard "add content" Umbraco image: 

Select the new background image by clicking the "add content" image and selecting from the file explorer: 


Use the green arrow on the bottom right of the page to select "Schedule" and, in the pop-up that displays, set the date and time for when the change should go live: 

Bilingual language

PassEdge App offers the ability to update content throughout the app when the language is changed within the "Profile Settings" section of the user's application. 

While creating content within Umbraco, the header title of the page will display "English" with a drop-down arrow, which will enable the option to switch to Spanish. 

See Language section for more details.


There is an option to open the site in "split view" while creating content. Place the mouse cursor in the lower right corner of the language panel:

This feature allows for content creators to update multiple languages simultaneously: