Media Tour Feature

Development Paused

For Media Tours in PassEdge, which currently remain non-functional, the recommended best practice is to create a mobile-friendly webpage that contains the playlist of audio or video content. This webpage should be designed to be responsive and easily accessible on various devices, ensuring a seamless user experience.

To set up an audio guide/tour, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Mobile-Friendly Webpage: Design a webpage that hosts the playlist of audio or video content for the Media Tour. Ensure that the webpage is mobile-friendly and optimized for different screen sizes.

  2. Set up a Browser Feature Experience: In PassEdge, configure a Browser Feature as a single-URL feature experience. Add the link to the mobile-friendly webpage containing the playlist.

  3. Integrate with PassEdge App: When users access the Media Tour within the PassEdge App, it will open the linked webpage in the app's integrated browser. Users can then access and enjoy the playlist of audio or video content seamlessly within the app.
