Beacon Setup

A beacon in PassEdge App is defined by three essential components:

  1. UUID (Universally Unique Identifier): It is recommended to maintain a consistent UUID for all beacons. This practice optimizes the polling process by allowing the app to select the closest beacon if multiple beacons are detected within range. If different UUIDs are used for beacons, it may result in multiple polling actions, causing a "flicker" effect between two beacons.

  2. Major: The Major value is utilized to represent the "floor" or specific areas/regions within the institution. For example, you can assign different Major values to indicate different floors, sections, or regions within the premises.

  3. Minor: Consider the Minor value as the location ID for the beacon. This ID should align with the location ID used in the Locations section of PassEdge App and on floor signage, such as QR codes. Maintaining consistency in the Minor value ensures accurate mapping of beacon-triggered experiences to specific locations.

By defining beacons with the UUID, Major, and Minor values, PassEdge App can efficiently identify and trigger location-specific content and experiences as users move within the beacon range. This seamless integration enhances the overall tour experience, providing users with relevant and engaging information based on their physical location within the institution. Let's optimize the use of beacons to create a truly immersive and informative journey for app users.

Creating a beacon

To create a beacon, navigate to the "Beacons" node in the Umbraco Tree and select "Create Beacon" at the top of the page:

Example Beacon:


PassEdge App relies on the information broadcasted by active beacons to trigger location-specific content and experiences. To identify the data being broadcasted by beacons, you can use various beacon apps, such as "Beacon Set" for Android or "kbeacon" for Android and iOS compatibility. These applications allow you to view and potentially change the values of individual beacons.

For a comprehensive understanding of how to use these beacon apps to interact with individual beacons, you may need to refer to the respective app or beacon-provider documentation. They should provide instructions on how to access and modify beacon settings.

If you encounter any issues or require further troubleshooting while working with beacon apps or managing individual beacons, don't hesitate to contact the PassEdge team. Our dedicated support team is available to assist you and ensure a smooth experience with beacon integration in PassEdge App.
